I think about blogging almost every day but mid-semester-assignment-crunch just doesn't seem to give me a break. Ultimately, I should be happy since I have selected this kind of a life style for me ... and academic writing MUST be completed if I want to succeed at the end of my adventures :-)
This isn't to say that I have it hard around here, I'm only expressing my interest in creative writing and how school is hindering this recreational activity for me, if we could call it that !!! Just the other day, I found out some highly significant information about my landlord, Jim. I have learned that Jim is not only a/(my) fabulous and life-saving editor who reads over my papers in time of desperation (when I am late to hand in an assignment) but he has a list of other talents which could assist my writing skills in numerous ways. First, he has written a book called Beetle Creek and I am now a proud owner of a signed copy. (I can't wait for school to start so I can start reading this book on the bus on my way to the lectures !!!) When I quickly flipped through it, I could tell it's going to be a hoot to read just based on the images. See, Jim is a wonderful story teller, and I can speak for this because he can break into a story just as we are preparing our breaky in the kitchen. Mind you, I also tend to ask a ton of questions, and when I hear about "oh it's a long story", I am the first to say "I have time".
Second, Jim has a monthly newsletter which he provides to his fans and readers and it talks about writing techniques, fun quizzes, and possibilities to enter his writing contests. It is an interactive way to learn about creative writing or specifically 'Novel Writing'. The purpose of these monthly issues ultimately is to help advertise Jim's novel writing course. This is all overwhelming to learn at this time of the year especially since I am constantly thinking about being published (but I can't blog today...I should be reading and writing assignments)!!!
I might have to put my masters aside and enroll in Jim's course lol .....or maybe do it along my masters. But as I mentioned before, I don't have time to write novels when I'm trying to compose 50% papers. Mind you thought ... my school work is almost as exciting and I enjoy doing the ground work, HOWEVER not like blogging. Different kind of feelings and experiences while you are sitting in front of the monitor and trying to create sentences. Oh and blogs don't come with the pressure of a marking criteria (aka: life line to success for me...just for now). Either way, this just shows that I am in the right place at the right time.
Mind you, I will be alone in this house come the end of April (landlords are off to their vacation), and I'm looking forward to it ONLY in hope that being alone will get me focused on my academics some more. Also, this way I will have to postpone my novel writing urges till a later time, maybe when Jim returns from his vacation. lol who knows !
Anywho, my books are calling, gatta read some more about global economic development and fertility.
Here are some of the events I need to blog about still:
1. St Patty's day
2. Surfers Paradise - Hooters for the fits time :-)
wait ....that's just me playing in the ocean ...
Hooters :-)
3. Karissa's b-day - yummmy desserts
4. Easter in Brissie - more chocolates !!!!
5. Mt Cootha
All to come soon, or who knows when .....some pics are up on facebook :-)
miss you all
Renata :-)