Crazy how fast time is flying by (and I am getting little work done). At this point I'm too tired to hyperventilate to the fact that I just can't see how I am going to get all my work done. It is physically not possible ...but either way I am going to give it a try (I do believe that people survive at the end of this program but I don't know if they end up loosing a limb while trying, lol).
I have been planning to post some of my debate topic ideas in order to make this blog more interactive and get people to respond to some of my crazy thinking but I am trying to just get the basics done: papers and presentations ! However, please stay tuned because I will try to post something I have written last month ...I might have to tweak it thought. And if you find that you would like to start a discussion with me then please feel free to send me a message and I would love to debate life and its ways :-)
Moving on though, I am not ashamed to admit that I am loving my work. At the moment I am taking a break from my group presentation on diarrheal disease and sanitation practices around the world. Who knew that humans are so clever. There are endless ways to build and engineer toilet facilities. Would I be enthusiastic to try out all of them, probably not! But I am having a blast doing the research and finding pictures off the internet. For some, I tilt my head and wonder the actual biomechanics a human must poses in order to successfully relieve themselves. I just know one thing and that is: when I have to go I appreciate being alone :-)
When in Rome ...but I still would not :-)

Not too shabby!

I could even go as far as trying this one as long as I'm ALONE lol

I could keep going on about this topic and my research today (all you nurses, this our most favourite topic: poo-licious) BUT I should just get back to my academic writing.
There are another months-worth of events which I should be updating my dedicated readers on however, can't blog right now, my assignments are calling :-P Heard this one before lol !
- Chris and family have let the premises (Happy travels to the Lam family)
- I have an awesome roommate (well, so far they were ALL amazing!) but Thao and I are it
- I might have winter plans overseas (topic to be reveled once I'm excepted)
- if not excepted, I will hit the road again: Fiji or Thailand :-)
- rugby union rules ! and so do the Reds !
- on the contrary, assignments: not so much fun
- why do I cry about them: b/c they control my life, and that is a soft spot for me
If you have some quotes on ur mind please post them ...and if you can say Life is beautiful in a language not listed before, please also post that !
Love for all
R :-)