#29 Run 5km in Bridge to Brisbane - it was supposed to be 10km but I told my synchro girls that if they run with me I will sacrifice my 10 for 5 .... should be fun :-)
#30 Get my nursing license transferred :-)
Process started Sept 2, 2010 ....we will have to wait and see what comes of it !
#31 Learn on song on a musical instrument - piano: Vietnamese School song
#32 finish my papers before the due date
#33 get a scooter
#34 this is a toughy - stop biting my nails (date: Dec 31, 2010)
#35 Swim a 2km ocean swim (or another 1km but MUCH faster)
Rock 2 rock

#36 get active again
#37 taking a Global perspective - advocate towards MDG #5

Please visit and get on board ! This band-wagon is worth jumping in on !
WHO on Improving Maternal Health
Just cause I love this video :-)
#38 volunteer again
#39 visit Tasmania
#40 Sydney and Canberra with Natalie
#41 make a trip home (aka: where ever my parents are) once a year (no excuses)
#42 it's still half full :-)
#43 work as a nurse in Cambodia and Vietnam
#44 get moving
#45 stop being a wuss and 'man-up' to the cold showers in my QLD-house
#46 (when the waters are warmer (in Sept I hope) get out surfing once a week
#47 get back to photography
#48 take a life of a huntsman (just once, it's cruel otherwise) - not yet accomplished 0-2
#49 read the list of books (from Julie's collection) over the head of my bed (6 more to go) then pick new ones from Julie's collection ...
#50 make time ...
#51 meet an innovator and a gentleman: Stiglitz
#52 give ...this time to the kids in Fiji
#53 hike
#54 bake
#55 Read: The Te of Piglet - Benjamin Hoff

<----- some would argue it's me :-) #56 sleep more :-) #57 make a funny face :-)

#58 become a veggie for a month (in support of my roommate)
#59 see how long I can STAY a veggie (in support of Lacey and Karissa!)
2005 ?
