I'm one of 3 students, and living with a couple who are native to Queensland. I find them very entertaining (also travelers), and the house just feels extremely homie. I could have walked and walked and walked some more, and roomed up with strangers, but once I stepped foot in this place, all furnished, I said why bother for something else when this place feels just right.
I am super excited now! I had a tiny 'worry' about finding a place (once I started the actual ground work) and realized that I have to settle in somewhere sooner than to wait till school starts. This way I can move in my stuff, and then head off to visit some friends. This house was meant to be mine since: I called, checked it out, and moved in all on the same day. And there was someone else the couple was waiting on to see the place, but after some time they told me to come and see it anyways (I think they were done waiting for the girl before me). Someone's loss is my complete luck!!! And now I am relaxed and 20lbs lighter for getting this one checked off my list.
This is just my room, but the rest of the house is just amazing. Beautiful wood kitchen, hardwood floors, and books are stacked all over (the woman was a librarian, and the gentleman has literature and communications background).
MY first few days have been interesting as well (never a dull moment in this land). Believe it or not, there are more furry and leathery friends I would like to introduce you to. Meet my new friends the gecko family. I have not had the chance to name them all, and well, I think there are some who stay and some who go (each night), so I would say this house is quite the high traffic area for them. They are fast and great at keeping the house clean from bugs, so there's a bonus. There is one very cute little gecko who I think is a regular to my bedroom. Reason being: I am starting to recognize the patterns on his skin. While reading in my bed today and watching a chick-flick on TV, this little gecko constantly came over to me to make sure I was doing ok. He must have, because he only came to hang out with me when I got teared up to the silly movie (hate when I get so sloppy over movies).
So, every time this tiny gecko came over to see me, I stopped tearing up and started to laugh out loud (lol). By the end of the movie I have decided to give this little guy (only) a name. Ladies and gentlemen please meet my new friend Homer (hahah it's only fitting, unless you have a better one, feel free to share you ideas).
Look very closely beside Lammie. In this picture he is hanging out with his buddies Lammie and Buzz.
Homer does like to hang out with the big boys. They are teaching him how to be a sleek hunter. Again, look carefully, Homer is the tiny dot between the two large geckos.
Now, the furry friend I have to introduce through Google images (I have to mention this so I am not plagiarizing). This is not a picture I took, but it's a perfect representation of what I saw on my way home from the grocery store, hanging out on the electric wires near my house. I have not named this 'precious' fellow, but I am sure something will hit me in the next couple of days. These guys hang out just outside my window and each night they try to decide who owns the territory under my window seal. A little noisy at times, but let's not forget, I am the one who decided to come and live in a tropical climate, therefore I have to get accustom to all creatures living near by.
Just because I don't have a name for these creatures, then are called a possum. Cute huh?

Ok, I think that is a all for now. If you would like to know/see more of my place just call me on skype and I can show you around :-)
Miss you all!