This is going to be short but sweet.
Second day in Brisbane, and I think both my new best friends have been met and dealt with. Now the anticipation is over, and the cat's out of the bag!
Meet my other new friend, Bruce.
He was hanging out on my bathroom floor but did not notice him untill I was done with my business and noticed him in the corner near the door-way. I freaked out, called for my roommate but she was not in her room (she was out with a friend). I threw a towel on Bruce to keep him warm and hopefully contained in one space till Brigitte gets home.
I was hanging out in the living room, fell asleep, but when Brigitte got home I told her my encounter with Bruce, and she saved the day by first: a chasing session, and finally, stepping on him to end his life.
Brice was fast and furious while living his freedom, but he is now in cockroach heaven with the rest of his mates.
the end

You are soo brave!! good luck!!