<<--- Will give out hugs for eucalyptus !!! This weekend Priscilla (one of my roommates) is packing up and leaving for an Oz tour before she heads back home to Brazil. Saturday night was her farewell 'barbie' (aka: BBQ) where we consumed more meat then I have ever seen before.
We had a Brazilian barbie, Italian sausage, and kangaroo meat for all to try. I made my nacho dip (obviously not nearly as good as Herron's mom's nacho dip) but I made it anywho and people seemed to like it. I also attempted guacamole with ingredients a little deviated form what I use back home, and again turned out not too bad. We had many people come by to say farewell to Pre, and I also invited some of my friends so they get to see where I live. It was a wonderful night, everyone having a great chat, great food, and loads of wine !!! Once we were are all stuffed and done munching, the gang heads out (for one last night) on the town with the Brazilian lady and have a blast dancing the night away !!!! Everyone had a great time and wished the night never ended !!! The next day however, we were all thankful that it did, and started our recovering process !!!

Sunday, a few of us decided what better way to recover from a great night than going to the Lone Pine koala sanctuary. The day was overcast (not too hot, not too bright, just perfect for a pounding headache). Once at the park, I was overwhelmed by the number of koalas and wanted to hug every single one of them. Stinky or not, koalas are still my favourite animal.
As soon as this kuddly little guys' paws were on my shoulders... we made a connection. He stuck his nose into my neck and whispered: take me with you !!! HAhahah I wish ! At one point I did contemplate running away with koala in hand, but then I noticed the line up of children behind me .... and if I did that, they would remember me (an adult) as a kuddly-koalla-stealer !!! And that would be no fun !
So, using the principles I learned in kindergarten, I shared the kuddly koala, and after getting my picture taken, I gave it back to the keeper and washed my hands. With my head hanging low, we walked about the rest of the park until, something got me excited again all over again.
The petting zoo!!!!
Emu, kangaroos and wallaby's everywhere !!!
So overall, the weekend was just too amazing, and not sure if my typing is giving justice to it all. It was a weekend to remember and hope to repeat with all the good friends !!!
46 Hawken drive at maximum capacity:
Happy travels and see you soon Priscilla !!!
R :-)
Thanks for the amazing weekend!!! See you soon!!! =]