Last week (Sept 3-7) I had the privilege to meet up with someone(s) very special. This person has become part of the Mares family officially (not exactly sure when) even thought we live across the Atlantic ocean and now the Pacific ocean too (we follow each other around the globe, so right now she is visiting me with her special person, her bf of five years).
I have meet up with this little lady every year since she was first introduced to my parents. Technically, she is my little sister because we both adore the same people: my parents. She has created a very special bond with my parents the very first time she came for an exchange-trip to Canada. Three years later and we still love to meet up with each other when our paths takes us near our homes and talk about ...my parents.
Life and school commitments seem to come in the way of our entertainment BUT we have always made the effort and hang out with the other person. First 2x it was she who came to live with my parents and do the visiting. Then, it was my turn to go for a quick hello and meet her family and friends in Spain. 48h was clearly not enough time to engage in a meet-and-greet activity, but it was what we had to manage.
Last week, my little Catalan sister and her bf rented the most retro campervan and came for a visit in Brisbane. Again limited by time, we still managed to spend a few days eating, sleeping and traveling together. We were true gypsies living on the road. Well, let me tell you something about these two, if all gypsies have as much fun and laugh as much as these two people, I'm dropping out of my masters and joining the gypsy life !!!
I have never (or have been a long time) since I have laughed this much. Both my sister and her bf were sooooo crazy funny, and I have lost my voice in just about 4-5 days of hanging out with them just from laughing so hard.
River-fire 2010

Besides the wonderful times we shared, I was also thinking back to how this lady and I become such amazing friends. My thoughts brought me back to my kind and lovely parents. Thanks to them, I have this amazing person in my life who is extremely funny, kind and even though younger, ends up taking care of me each time we are on the road !!!!
Dear Clara, "I am the older", therefore let me take care of you from now on, Sincerely, Renata :-)

R ;-)
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