Sunday, Nov 21 was an eventful day to begin with: Thao's 26th b-day dinner and Sunday night salsa at Casa blanka. Before then, running around to try and get some things done and get everything ready for the night. busy busy.
However, it's my walk home at 11pm which has left me with something I have only experienced through the actions of my landlord, Julie. My landlord's kind heart for saving huntsman spiders by releasing them into the neighboring suburb only to have a bunch more return back to my room is still considered a kind act towards all living creatures. She is my role model when it comes to respecting Queensland nature, none of the less.
On this night however, with the same kind heart, a man had pulled half-way off the road exactly at my house and watches as a possum walked in circles, round and round. This creature looked large with a full, healthy fur coat so I assumed nothing has happened. Then as I walked closer I saw that the circles would not stop. The gentleman who was watching over this helpless being told me the story.
This animal was spotted by someone before he arrive exactly on the other side of the road. They called animal rescue and said to be there shortly (on a Sunday at 11pm). The first person who spotted the animal has now left but this gentleman decided to stay and make sure the possum would not get hit by the next car. It's only been approx 20min of waiting by the time I got there. My house was 2 steps away but I did not have the heart to leave the man or the possum alone.
So I decided to stay and keep the two of them company till the rescuers got there. Once getting close to the animal I noticed that he may have been in a fight as one of his eyes were completely pulled from the socket and hanging. He kept walking in circles because of this, sometimes faster then slower, but never stopping. At times he would frantically walk across the entire road and we were worried that he would leave before help got there.
So we waited and waited and talked a bit about how scary it was for the little fella. We tried different techniques to keep him off the road but nothing seemed to work. Once he gained energy he headed to a front yard which had an open gate at one point. This was good for us since now the little guy was safe from the cars however, we were worried of losing site of him. Finally, just as help arrived the possum has given up and sat in one place. Maybe he was ready to just give up or wait for the morning sun.
The rescuer was very efficient in gathering him in his crate and thanked us for calling. I thanked both gentleman and told the guy who waited with his car that he did something amazing tonight. What he did was amazing!
He could have just driven off as it was a Sunday night where everyone is eager to relax while preparing for the week. He could have left just like those people who spoted this helpless animal first. But instead, he took time to find the number and call for help. He then asked every car that passed by to slowly drive by being aware of the scared and disoriented creature. I was there just for moral support since I didn't feel like I could offer anything more.
But then it got me thinking. Would I have done the same? I have no problems worrying about what my needs are. When I want to do something I just do it. But have I been walking by those who are wounded and maybe need someone to watch over them till more help is on the way? If an animal was struggling, would I stay with them and call for help. I think I may have forgotten what is important in this sometimes crazy busy world.
Being aware of what and who are around us is important. Why? You just never know when it becomes your turn to rely on those who are willing to stand by and do the same for you.
I kept asking myself, how is this guy so amazing to wait for help to come? I thought back to times where mom and I saved animals who we found wounded on our path. I feel like I haven't had the chance to do such deed as I have been too busy worrying about my concerns. Maybe it's time to make room for others.
To the gentleman who waited for this possum to be rescued,
I admire what you did tonight and thank you for the lesson. I will make better efforts to pay close attention and when appropriate pass on such act of kindness.
R :-)
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Mixed feelings and my overweight luggage - November 2010
This year has been probably more action packed than I have anticipated, even though I was actively preparing for a year of mayhem. I planned to travel and spend a year discovering people and places, culture and spaces. I was anticipating my masters to show me the way in my future career plans but not to be the focus point of this year's adventures. Now, thinking to myself, it was very naive of me to even think that a master's program can be completed in just under one year with full focus and potential. You have to remember (and some of you can even relate) that traveling has a sweet and lovely way to distract the mind. While being on the road, the mind is looking to fill up with culture, fun facts and loads of recreational readings at any chance it gets.
My brain was given mixed messages for an entire year. Starting out with trips and visiting friends down south in Melbourne and the Gold coast. Then hit hard with 4 months of action packed, sitting at a table and typing conveyor-belt-type assignments. All the work I have accomplished was extremely interesting and it has definitely teased my mind in an appropriate way. However, having the ocean shores within an hour distance by transit, it was extremely hard to wake each morning and see the blazing sun and not run towards the sand to catch some wake.
I did manage to get some sun, sand, and surf in while living in Brissy. A few trips here and there just to get the body moving and enjoying all that was around me. An escape to Fiji in June fulfilled my childhood dream and got me excited to start my career within the international public health community. I cannot wait to get involved no matter how near or far from my family. It is my calling to work within some of the more marginalized communities and to do it specifically in family planning. Now I'm just excited to find out where my road is directing me next to practice in my field :-)
Starting second semester was extremely though as my mind was still on Fiji-time! Getting back into the books was intense but again extremely teasing to the mind. I wanted to read more and understand more. Though, my strength and endurance was fading fast. Some visitors and good company lifted my drained spirit. I managed to get all my work done and with some grace and dignity earn some nice marks as well. But it was all for a large cost I must say. I am not proud of the way I crossed the finish line but none of the less it was crossed and I am feeling much advanced. Both my career and my mind are in a different place then before. The year has been filled with ups and downs and round-abouts.
Once my last paper handed in, I was done. Not necessarily with my responsibilities: classes were still on, projects were being presented. However, I was unable to even make some of these last few tasks. I just needed sleep and nothing more. I took some escapes to the water and let my mind remember why I was in such beautiful place ... in the first place.
My last 2 months were probably the most interesting of all though.
Trips planned last minute (which I was already used to so that's no big deal), completed all my paper work to have my nursing registration assessed (still in the process), deciding on when to go home and via what direction (took the entire 2 months on deciding ...and purchased the ticket exactly a week before take off). Packing everything, mailing everything, sorting, getting rid of, donating, gosh on and on.
Last 2 months also entailed saying bye to those who have had their lives planned out much ahead of me. The on-going good-bye parties-golore was also something new and extremely hard on me. But amongst all this pitter patter, I loved every minute of it !
I enjoyed constantly meeting new people, in Brissie and on the road. Everyone has been just amazing and has had something wonderful to offer, making my journey oh so memorable. Some of the most special people I met only a few weeks before my take off and I'm still shaking my head and thinking: why? Why so late in my journey that this happens. It makes leaving much more difficult. Questioning if going home was necessary.
But then I look forward, down the road ahead, and I can feel my family's hear pulling me home. Dad of course likes to voice his heart's emotions loud and clear so I knew exactly how he felt at all times. Going home is a must, and if not for me, for those who care about me the most. They are too deserving for a little Remy time.
I know I will be back soon to the wonderful land down-under. I had an amazing time getting to know everyone. I consider myself and atheist, but being blessed is difficult to explain using any other definitions. I feel blessed for having lived in such an amazing place like Hawken Dr. My landlords have been inspiring, my roommates have been extremely fun, the people I met through synchro have been kind and oh so wonderful. Coaching was a hoot with Miriam, and I have learned so much from her!
Friends and family has been interesting to juggle both near and far. Overall, life has been always kind to me in the past, and I can truly say that it was kind to me in the year 2010. I always try to think of others in my work and in my living habits. Not sure if this has something to do with the outcome of my journeys but I can say that I feel so amazing of the people and places I was surrounded by.
I don't think I need to start discussing the amount of stuff I gathered over just the past year but I had great difficulty parting with most things. I send home 40kgs and carried another 40 with me on the road..... later to discuss (as I am retrospectively writing this note).
If you managed to read this far: Thank you to everyone for making my 2010 just amazing. I have little words and a lot of happy emotions to describe this year. Travel, sports, parties, dress-ups, movies, events, oh yes and school have all been just as I have wanted it (even with more planning was involved).
Julie and Jim, thanks for being there for me :-)
Everyone, it's been so wonderful to have met you and made some fun memories !!!!!!
Renata E. Mares BScN, RN, BAK, MIPH
My brain was given mixed messages for an entire year. Starting out with trips and visiting friends down south in Melbourne and the Gold coast. Then hit hard with 4 months of action packed, sitting at a table and typing conveyor-belt-type assignments. All the work I have accomplished was extremely interesting and it has definitely teased my mind in an appropriate way. However, having the ocean shores within an hour distance by transit, it was extremely hard to wake each morning and see the blazing sun and not run towards the sand to catch some wake.
I did manage to get some sun, sand, and surf in while living in Brissy. A few trips here and there just to get the body moving and enjoying all that was around me. An escape to Fiji in June fulfilled my childhood dream and got me excited to start my career within the international public health community. I cannot wait to get involved no matter how near or far from my family. It is my calling to work within some of the more marginalized communities and to do it specifically in family planning. Now I'm just excited to find out where my road is directing me next to practice in my field :-)
Starting second semester was extremely though as my mind was still on Fiji-time! Getting back into the books was intense but again extremely teasing to the mind. I wanted to read more and understand more. Though, my strength and endurance was fading fast. Some visitors and good company lifted my drained spirit. I managed to get all my work done and with some grace and dignity earn some nice marks as well. But it was all for a large cost I must say. I am not proud of the way I crossed the finish line but none of the less it was crossed and I am feeling much advanced. Both my career and my mind are in a different place then before. The year has been filled with ups and downs and round-abouts.
Once my last paper handed in, I was done. Not necessarily with my responsibilities: classes were still on, projects were being presented. However, I was unable to even make some of these last few tasks. I just needed sleep and nothing more. I took some escapes to the water and let my mind remember why I was in such beautiful place ... in the first place.
My last 2 months were probably the most interesting of all though.
Trips planned last minute (which I was already used to so that's no big deal), completed all my paper work to have my nursing registration assessed (still in the process), deciding on when to go home and via what direction (took the entire 2 months on deciding ...and purchased the ticket exactly a week before take off). Packing everything, mailing everything, sorting, getting rid of, donating, gosh on and on.
Last 2 months also entailed saying bye to those who have had their lives planned out much ahead of me. The on-going good-bye parties-golore was also something new and extremely hard on me. But amongst all this pitter patter, I loved every minute of it !
I enjoyed constantly meeting new people, in Brissie and on the road. Everyone has been just amazing and has had something wonderful to offer, making my journey oh so memorable. Some of the most special people I met only a few weeks before my take off and I'm still shaking my head and thinking: why? Why so late in my journey that this happens. It makes leaving much more difficult. Questioning if going home was necessary.
But then I look forward, down the road ahead, and I can feel my family's hear pulling me home. Dad of course likes to voice his heart's emotions loud and clear so I knew exactly how he felt at all times. Going home is a must, and if not for me, for those who care about me the most. They are too deserving for a little Remy time.
I know I will be back soon to the wonderful land down-under. I had an amazing time getting to know everyone. I consider myself and atheist, but being blessed is difficult to explain using any other definitions. I feel blessed for having lived in such an amazing place like Hawken Dr. My landlords have been inspiring, my roommates have been extremely fun, the people I met through synchro have been kind and oh so wonderful. Coaching was a hoot with Miriam, and I have learned so much from her!
Friends and family has been interesting to juggle both near and far. Overall, life has been always kind to me in the past, and I can truly say that it was kind to me in the year 2010. I always try to think of others in my work and in my living habits. Not sure if this has something to do with the outcome of my journeys but I can say that I feel so amazing of the people and places I was surrounded by.
I don't think I need to start discussing the amount of stuff I gathered over just the past year but I had great difficulty parting with most things. I send home 40kgs and carried another 40 with me on the road..... later to discuss (as I am retrospectively writing this note).
If you managed to read this far: Thank you to everyone for making my 2010 just amazing. I have little words and a lot of happy emotions to describe this year. Travel, sports, parties, dress-ups, movies, events, oh yes and school have all been just as I have wanted it (even with more planning was involved).
Julie and Jim, thanks for being there for me :-)
Everyone, it's been so wonderful to have met you and made some fun memories !!!!!!
Renata E. Mares BScN, RN, BAK, MIPH
Moon festival - Brisbane 2010
Moon festival at 46 Hawken Drive

My roommate Thao is a lovely cook and I have been very fortunate to have experienced the many flavours she's able to create on a weekly basis. August however, was a very special occasion and she needed some help in the kitchen. I was very eager to offer some help and learn about the traditions of the Moon festival.
With lots of ladies offering their help we pulled together one amazing festival of the foods! This is a very common occasion at 46 Hawken. Ever since I moved here there has been cook-outs, barbies, gatherings as if it was a support home. But this has also been the highlight of my stay. Food brings people together, laugh, talk and share about adventures from all.
I just loved being a part of a festival so special to my roommate. You could definitely tell that she was looking forward to it. She has been preparing for days and days in advance!

This is from another dinner party but had to show you how beautiful home-made rice-paper spring rolls are

Throughout the day more and more people joined in on the cooking fest. It started off with just Thao, her cousin and myself. Then a friend showed up to assist with making the spring rolls. By the time everyone arrived we had a fiesta for 30 people. Unfortunately Julie was not feeling the best that day so she did not get to try everything but everyone else had a fabulous time chatting.
What better way to finish off this amazing celebration day then with approximaltely 6 different desserts. There was strawberry moose, chocolate cake, caramel and strawberry jelly, and more. Oh and lets not forget the Moon cake as this was the highlight of the while festival. Just the dessert menu was a meal on its own. However, we had to make room for it in our bellies just after dinner. We spent a nice time talking and relaxing which helped when it came time for the desserts .....but we were all definitely full for a few days following the celebrations !

My first Moon festival was wonderful!!! Amazing people, out-of-this world flavours, and laughter all night. I also have to point out the Vietnamese iced coffee is my new special dessert. It is just fabulous when you taste it! I am still craving it and I definitely know where to go and get some more :-)
R :-)

My roommate Thao is a lovely cook and I have been very fortunate to have experienced the many flavours she's able to create on a weekly basis. August however, was a very special occasion and she needed some help in the kitchen. I was very eager to offer some help and learn about the traditions of the Moon festival.
With lots of ladies offering their help we pulled together one amazing festival of the foods! This is a very common occasion at 46 Hawken. Ever since I moved here there has been cook-outs, barbies, gatherings as if it was a support home. But this has also been the highlight of my stay. Food brings people together, laugh, talk and share about adventures from all.
I just loved being a part of a festival so special to my roommate. You could definitely tell that she was looking forward to it. She has been preparing for days and days in advance!

This is from another dinner party but had to show you how beautiful home-made rice-paper spring rolls are
Throughout the day more and more people joined in on the cooking fest. It started off with just Thao, her cousin and myself. Then a friend showed up to assist with making the spring rolls. By the time everyone arrived we had a fiesta for 30 people. Unfortunately Julie was not feeling the best that day so she did not get to try everything but everyone else had a fabulous time chatting.
What better way to finish off this amazing celebration day then with approximaltely 6 different desserts. There was strawberry moose, chocolate cake, caramel and strawberry jelly, and more. Oh and lets not forget the Moon cake as this was the highlight of the while festival. Just the dessert menu was a meal on its own. However, we had to make room for it in our bellies just after dinner. We spent a nice time talking and relaxing which helped when it came time for the desserts .....but we were all definitely full for a few days following the celebrations !

My first Moon festival was wonderful!!! Amazing people, out-of-this world flavours, and laughter all night. I also have to point out the Vietnamese iced coffee is my new special dessert. It is just fabulous when you taste it! I am still craving it and I definitely know where to go and get some more :-)
R :-)
Diwali (Deepavali), festival of ! October 2010
Festival of lights, 2010
This celebration was all thanks to having a roommate who is in LOVE with food as much as I am. Plus she also has a handful of great friends who enjoy food as much as the two of us do. Put us all in one room and you have a feast for Diwali not many will ever forget.
Home-made ... everything: if I remember correctly, chickpeas and bean curry, grilled eggplant, something similar to Naan bread, yogurt dip just amazing, and other deep-fried yummy goodness !

Need I say more !
Best Diwali ever !
This celebration was all thanks to having a roommate who is in LOVE with food as much as I am. Plus she also has a handful of great friends who enjoy food as much as the two of us do. Put us all in one room and you have a feast for Diwali not many will ever forget.
Home-made ... everything: if I remember correctly, chickpeas and bean curry, grilled eggplant, something similar to Naan bread, yogurt dip just amazing, and other deep-fried yummy goodness !
Need I say more !
Best Diwali ever !
My roommate is a genius -Thao's thesis
What better way to celebrate the accomplishments of a grad-student then indulging, if not over-indulging on amazing food and dessert. The rommie succeed again, doing a wonderful job with her presentation to her professors, supervisors and the "industry-people".
First stop: Siam Samrarn Thai Restaurants

Best Thai place so far, with amazing design and fair prices.
Dessert: Freestyles (don't need much of an introduction if you are a local)

Congrats Thao !
R :-)
First stop: Siam Samrarn Thai Restaurants
Best Thai place so far, with amazing design and fair prices.
Dessert: Freestyles (don't need much of an introduction if you are a local)
Congrats Thao !
R :-)
Movember 2010 - Mous-Dash 10.5 km run for awareness
Strap on the shoes and GO!
(no training, no problem! until you realize how steep the actual race-track)
Supporting a cause which I feel strongly about, plus I need to get out of my room!!!
Mousdash race info
Pictures from the day
Pictures of me :-)
Good fun !
R :-)
(no training, no problem! until you realize how steep the actual race-track)
Supporting a cause which I feel strongly about, plus I need to get out of my room!!!
Mousdash race info
Pictures from the day
Pictures of me :-)
Good fun !
R :-)
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
To my friends ...
I received this email from a friend way back in first year uni. She sent this as a reminder to all the high school friends how much we mean to each other. Now, 7 years later and over 15 000 km on the other side of the world, I found this letter amongst a pile of documents I brought with me on the road. I think it's quite appropriate to post just before my next adventure !
Enjoy and thank you Sarah !!!
R :-)
Dear Friends,
Somewhere between the procrastination ...and the homework...and the incessant forwards...and the friendships...and the calls to each other complaining about crushes !!
Somewhere between the phone calls to old friends..and the "I miss you's" and the "I love yous"...and the "What are we doing tonight's?"...
...and somewhere between all the changing, growing...somewhere between the classes...and skipping classes...and the studying for tests...and the pretending to study for tests...and the downright NOT studying for tests...I forgot....
I forgot what growing up is all about.
I forgot what it means to cry....I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy...and that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart...
I forgot that you can't just forget the past in fear of the future...I forgot that you can't control falling in love....and that you can't make yourself fall in love...
I learned that I can love...
I learned that it's ok to mess up ....and it's ok to ask for help...and it's ok to feel crud...
I learned it's ok to complain and whine to all your friends for a whole day...I learned that sometime the things you want the most you just can't have.
I learned that the greatest thing about school isn't the dances or the drinking or the's the friendships, which means taking chances...
I learned that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about...I learned that letter from friends are the most important thing.
Sending cards to your friends makes you feel better, so basically I learned that my friends ....both old and new ...are important people to me.
Without them, I would not be who I am today this is a thank you to all of my friends ...for always being there ....and I love you !
Enjoy and thank you Sarah !!!
R :-)
Dear Friends,
Somewhere between the procrastination ...and the homework...and the incessant forwards...and the friendships...and the calls to each other complaining about crushes !!
Somewhere between the phone calls to old friends..and the "I miss you's" and the "I love yous"...and the "What are we doing tonight's?"...
...and somewhere between all the changing, growing...somewhere between the classes...and skipping classes...and the studying for tests...and the pretending to study for tests...and the downright NOT studying for tests...I forgot....
I forgot what growing up is all about.
I forgot what it means to cry....I forgot that pretending to be happy doesn't make you happy...and that pretending to be smart doesn't make you smart...
I forgot that you can't just forget the past in fear of the future...I forgot that you can't control falling in love....and that you can't make yourself fall in love...
I learned that I can love...
I learned that it's ok to mess up ....and it's ok to ask for help...and it's ok to feel crud...
I learned it's ok to complain and whine to all your friends for a whole day...I learned that sometime the things you want the most you just can't have.
I learned that the greatest thing about school isn't the dances or the drinking or the's the friendships, which means taking chances...
I learned that sometimes the things we want to forget are the things which we most need to talk about...I learned that letter from friends are the most important thing.
Sending cards to your friends makes you feel better, so basically I learned that my friends ....both old and new ...are important people to me.
Without them, I would not be who I am today this is a thank you to all of my friends ...for always being there ....and I love you !
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Melbourne Cup 2010 in Brisbane, QLD

The Melbourne Cup is an annual holiday in the city of Melbourne however, without the actual day being a holiday, other cities like to join in on the festivities. They broadcast the races live as well as take part in bidding on the local favourites. People dress to the max and spend a whole day in the sun sipping on fine drinks and enjoying some of the out-door sizzles anything from barbies to vegetarian curries.
I had the chance to take part in this fabulous frenzy with six other beautiful woman! As if we were a in a movie shoot representing the 50s in London, UK. No one was shy to dress like the kings and queens of the Buckingham palace during a Sunday polo tournament. It was fabulous to see everyone enjoying looking posh. Being out on the sun, some enjoying too much bubbly and by 2pm sleeping near the grassy areas. However, having the sun around required you to consume less but still celebrate and be just as jolly as if you were out for a binge-fest.

Overall, a fabulous day with beautiful people and amazing food! What more can one ask for form a national celebration of horse races! Just imagine how much more money could be made for both cricket and rugby games if people were encouraged to dress to the max. Those who are not into the sports might actually consider coming along if they had to dress to impress and have cocktails in the day time. It's a possible money-maker !!!

R :-)
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