The Melbourne Cup is an annual holiday in the city of Melbourne however, without the actual day being a holiday, other cities like to join in on the festivities. They broadcast the races live as well as take part in bidding on the local favourites. People dress to the max and spend a whole day in the sun sipping on fine drinks and enjoying some of the out-door sizzles anything from barbies to vegetarian curries.
I had the chance to take part in this fabulous frenzy with six other beautiful woman! As if we were a in a movie shoot representing the 50s in London, UK. No one was shy to dress like the kings and queens of the Buckingham palace during a Sunday polo tournament. It was fabulous to see everyone enjoying looking posh. Being out on the sun, some enjoying too much bubbly and by 2pm sleeping near the grassy areas. However, having the sun around required you to consume less but still celebrate and be just as jolly as if you were out for a binge-fest.

Overall, a fabulous day with beautiful people and amazing food! What more can one ask for form a national celebration of horse races! Just imagine how much more money could be made for both cricket and rugby games if people were encouraged to dress to the max. Those who are not into the sports might actually consider coming along if they had to dress to impress and have cocktails in the day time. It's a possible money-maker !!!

R :-)
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