Monday, January 2, 2012

A lesson on flying home at midnight - Nov 28, 2011

Flying from Cape Town to Toronto was just as event filled as any other departure I have had in the past. Never a dull moment when I am traveling from point A to point B. Two months before my departure my Mother warned me to make sure I check in on the 27th for a 28th midnight flight. I said to mom that I am confident I will manage the day I fly.

Far from the truth.

See, I have been caught up with the month of November and distracted by the cross-country traveling Dan and I completed. He was flying on the 27th in the morning, and I was flying the 28th. Or so I thought. Since my ticket was a midnight flight, really I should have checked in the same day as Dan was leaving Cape Town, only in the evening.

By the end of November, I was exhausted, I had to pack and leave a bunch of amazing people behind. I didn't want to leave just yet, experiencing the same mixed feelings I always do when leaving an amazing place. I felt confident in my departure. I had plans lined up for the day Dan was leaving. A friend had invited me to a US thanksgiving dinner as it was that time of the year. I offered him to help with the cooking once I returned from the airport, dropping Dan off.

The following day, this friend and I would go to frisbee which, would allow me to say good-bye to everyone I have met in the past 6 months. And then, a last bye from this same friend, would lead me to my departure time.


Arriving to the airport, it all became clear. The lady at the check-in desk was extremely polite and kind. "Excuse me Ma'am, but you were supposed to fly last night." "See your ticket is for 28th at 00:20 flight departure time."

I stood there in silence. My head filled with a head-cold which I also picked up just the night before. I felt awful, and I just wanted to be on a plane, today (Nov 28th).

me: "How can I get to Toronto today?"

The check-in lady directed me to the right place. The ladies at the air line counter looked for a seat on the plane that was leaving same time but a day later (Nov 29th midnight). Found a seat, only charged me for the extra weight of my luggage. I was allowed 2 bags even though the rules have changed to one. My new flight was, free. The ladies here stated, "This happens all the time with midnight flights".

me: (thinking) "Then why have midnight flights?" "Or why not warn people about the time difference?" - knowing very well at this point that 2 month ago a kind Mother, also my travel agent, did warn me to check-in a day early !!!

Oh well. Chaos under control. My parents of course did not get my voice mail I left for them at home, to warn them about my change in flights. They did manage to come both Monday and Tuesday to offer me a ride. Once I was at home I learnt about their struggle to figure out why their daughter yet again, not arriving at the expected time.

The moral of this story is a longer list:

-I let Dan depart and this gave me more time to pack
-I got to have thanksgiving dinner with dear friends
-I got to help in making a thanksgiving dinner (though extremely ill)
-I got to say good-bye to many people at once, on Monday
-and I got to fly at my convenience
-Mom and Dad got to work as a team and figure out why their daughter wasn't arriving at the expected time, giving them another memorable story to enjoy over Christmas holiday dinners
-I manged to keep my reputation of lack of planning but always managing :-)

I miss you Cape Town, and dear friends !

R :-)

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