Seeing Things Differently at TEDxGuelphU
February 08, 2012 - News Release
The third annual TEDxGuelphU to be held Feb. 12 at the University of Guelph will allow speakers and thinkers to challenge mainstream boundaries, beliefs, practices and actions.
“In keeping with our theme — ‘Perceiving Past the Paradigm’ — we intend to push ourselves to the next level of discovery,” said lead organizer Jaclyn Quinn, a U of G arts and science student. “We hope to put on a unique event that really brings the whole U of G community together, to encourage interdisciplinary thought from multiple perspectives. We really want people to see beyond their everyday, typical encounters, and experience something new at TEDxGuelphU. A little thought and conversation goes a long way to helping make change and improve life.”
TED (Technology Entertainment Design) is a non-profit organization devoted to “Ideas Worth Spreading.” The first TED event was a four-day conference in California 25 years ago. Today, the annual conference invites thinkers from around the globe to speak for up to 18 minutes each.
The global TEDx program allows local communities to run their own events.
Organized by 15 students, TEDxGuelphU will feature 13 speakers. The event will be aired in a live simulcast on the website
“We invited an amazing lineup of speakers from all walks of life, academic and experiential backgrounds, and all ages, to provoke some interesting conversations,” Quinn said.
This year’s TEDxGuelphU speakers will include the following faculty members: Profs. Eveline Adomait, Economics; Elliott Currie, Business; Douglas Fudge, Integrative Biology; Maurice Nelisher (professor emeritus), Environmental Design and Rural Development; Ian Spears, Political Science; and Jack Trevors, School of Environmental Sciences.
Other speakers are Derek Alton, Central Student Association local affairs commissioner; Dan Dolderman, Department of Psychology, University of Toronto; Gracen Johnson, Vote Mob co-founder; Gerald Pollack, Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington; Candace Sepulis, commercial artist; Adam Spence, founder, Social Venture Exchange; and Anthony Chegahno, Chippewas of Nawash.
TEDxGuelphU will take place Feb. 12, 10:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., in Rozanski Hall. A gala from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Science Complex atrium will feature a performance by Dancetheater David Earle.
Pass it on!
Watch online after the talks have been posted HERE
R :-)
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