Friday, February 5, 2010

"My life list" - inspired by Mary L.

It is Friday, Feb 5,2010 and I arrive to Surfers paradise. I had a great time reconnecting with long lost friends and getting to know the city. We had some time to hit the beach, swim in huge waves, dry off in the breezy sun, eat loads of sushi for dinner, walk around the market along the beach shore, and then head to bed at around 11:30pm so I can be ready for the next day's adventures.

It is hot hot hot, and I am thinking of going to bed because the sun took the best of me again. But then I think, come on Renata, you haven't done so much today that you can't blog today. I have been procrastinating my own hobby, blogging about my adventures. I have promised a list of my life goals yet I have avoided it because I am waiting for a perfect time, where I can think and create.

It is 11:40 on a Friday night, you are only 25 years old so staying awake is mandatory to fit in with the 'in-crowd' of young people's society, and I WANT to stay young :-)

I have sweat dripping down my neck as I'm typing away (window open, and I'm barely in clothes) it's so hot, so sleeping is out of the question for a little while longer. Even though I would like to be horizontal, there has to be some determination and motivation left in me to complete my fun typing, because come 2 weeks and I don't have a choice, I have to write my assignments !

Ok, enough rambling ... here is a start to introducing some of my goals in life:
(I felt like Dave Letterman just now)

Australia/ New Zealand
1) Check out most of the East coast (Cairns to learn scuba diving)
2) Drive to Perth then to Darwin ----> Alice ---> Tazmania
3) Glacier climbing in NZ
4) watch an All Blacks home game
5) visit Fiji as a tourist
6) Learn how to surf

Other Travels:
7) work at the WHO (Geneva)
8) Canadian cross country tour
9) India for yoga lessons
10) India for cooking school
11) Cultures to experience from up close: Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Japan
12) Back pack: Greece (Croatia), Italy, Morocco, Netherlands, France, Germany, Malta, Sweden (maybe more ?)

Life interests:
13) publish a book
14) learn to play the guitar (lessons might start in Australia)
15) Try to make as many ethnic foods as possible
16) fly in a hot air balloon
17) volunteer at a community centre
18) sing more, laugh more, dance (more if feet allows for)
19) love :-)
20) stay positive (more)
21) sit with Granny and talk (asap)
22) own a specific car and motorcycle (won't elaborate on this because I do feel a sense of guilt for wanting these 2 things)
23) Reunite in Hawaii with the Guelph peeps at the age of 30

Career goals:
#7 - work at WHO
24) one day, (sigh) work in a hospital again, anywhere ...
25) Develop policies which promote health and justice in the world
26) collaborate on an NGO mission
27) take a stand for health care by participating in a munk debate

Sport/ leisure activities:
27) score in water polo (on a break away)
28) possibly get involve in coaching synchro again - create, encourage, empower

(updated #1 on Feb 7,2010)

Ok ! Now it's time for a nap. I will have to stop at 20 - but even these don't seem all correct. I will have to re-read and investigate if these are truly what I want to do in my life ....

Thanks for the encouragement M :-)


  1. WOW !!!!! ez nem semmi!!! Adja a jo Isten hogy minden sikeruljon. Mindent megerdemelsz mert tiszta ambicio vagy.Nagyon elvazem olvasni a blog-odat Puszi Anya

  2. Koszi hogy hiszel benem :-)

  3. You're soooo welcome. What a great list, Renata. I love it.
